Friday, 6 February 2009

Y4 exhibition

Yesterday the fourth year students in SEA had their opening with a bar on a carousel, a DJ on a vending machine and lots of sculptures and installations.
The work was quite varied, some of it really really good and some of it wasn't.
It is really nice to see some work where you just go thinking " I hope I can make something like that for next year", and you start to wonder what their degree show is going to be like, and obviously start to dream about your own degree show.
For the last week of third term, before the degree show opening, the third and second year students are supposed to help the fourth years get their degree show on track - normally it means working as an assistant to a student during a week. Its a good opportunity to learn what it takes to put the whole thing together and understand the process of the whole deal before we are going to do it ourselves next year. In that case this exhibition is also interesting as it may help you understand who is doind work that you might find interesting yourself, and therefor would want to work with for the degree show.

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