Monday, 2 February 2009

Pre PAP - Site Visits

We had our Site Visits today.
Friday we made a schedule to give to our lecturer, so that he could catch up with us on the way.
We are eight people in the group, working accross the city in different locations with the Public Art Project, which is a part of the Environmental Art programme.
The plan for the day is to go to everybodies sites, get a brief presentation on the project they are planning and to give feedback on it.
When I woke up Monday morning and realized it was snowing - I mean it snows about once a year here - I was very close to not coming at all, but decided to pull myself together - can't let a little snow stop me, and get myself to school. When I got there I was late, and still grumpy about the snow.
The first two feedback sessions were the best I think - they normally are as people are still focused and freshed. In addition the two first ones were inside. I was the third, taking people out into the snow and wind, trying to point out what was going to happen - if everything goes according to plan, which it never does. Feedback was alright.
After my session on Garnethill we went to this little lane behind the Mitchell library, which had a very interesting little nook in it where one of us might be doing some work, before going to Kelvingrove and down to Merchant City for the last one.
Long day - very cold at the end of it, but got some good feedback, and hopefully I'll be able to get the project through the next couple of stages.

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