The individual tutorial is with our lecturer. Is was quite good, giving me a time to reflect a little bit about what the PAP is about, and how I am going to manage the project. The lecturers are normally good at giving feedback and providing you with information about other artists etc that they think you might find interesting. However I think the group tutorials are better.
For the group tutorials we are about seven people (in SEA at least) who meet up with a tutor and look at each others work, comment on it and make suggestions.
In my presentation I focused on the site that I have picked, and how I can work within that site, asking people to join me in a brainstorm for ideas etc. Also I wanted feedback on how I can reach different audiences for the PAP.
It takes a lot of time and energy to do the group tutorials and the group crits, but they are very helpful when it is finally your tur

Yesterday I finally managed to go to the library as well (Lucky me!). I have been putting it off for almost a week, partly because I am not sure exactly what I am looking for, so I am blindly trying to look for something that will inform the PAP and be useful, in addition I am not really very motivated for going to the library itself. They have tons of useful stuff in the library, and when I get there I am always a bit surprised at why I don't go there more often, however I would enjoy this part so much more if I could skip the whole looking for right book/article/dvd/slide whatever it is, and just sit down with it to read/watch it with a nice cup of tea and everything.
Tomorrow I am going to Cove Park, northwest of Glasgow, with the rest of the students in Environmental Art. We are staying away for three nights to do research and have a good time together. I am really looking forward to it, although I have to be back here on Friday already to work on the Advisory Day.
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