Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Photography - lightroom

Today I had my second part of the CAF electives. They split the goup in half, so we were five people during the first half of the day and for the second half of the day the rest of the group got to try the same stuff.

We met with Stephen (I think :-) Who is a technician in the photo department. We were working on lighting in the lightroom they have in the Richmond Building where the photodepartment have all of their fascilities. The lightroom is a studio space with lots of flashes and lighting equipment and an advanced kind of tripod thing (sorry, I was more concerned with learning to use the equipment, than learning the names of them it seems). He had set up an analogue camera for us, but using a digital back, so that the images were immediately transferred to the mac we had in the studio. Really nice, as we could keep better track of what the changes in lighting actually did to the photographs. Also we learnt to syncronize the flashes and to do meterreading, setting the apperture and working on the focus. I know it seems pretty obvious, but as I have always worked with a digital camera it is really good to have proper run through of bascis, and I have never had the chance to work in a proper lightstudio, which was really fun! The people I was together with and me are planning to try and book out the lightstudio at a later time so that we can practice a bit more.

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